The Outlet Track

This is my absolute favourite blatting track altho you can see I am actually in diagnosis mode, so to bark.
On the left side of this shot I have carried out an intensive diagnosis in the past which generally causes a DEAD STOP every time I come past. The Boss is aware of this and comes over to move me on as I have exhibited “This needs at least 30 minutes to study” syndrome and The Boss recons someone may have buried bits of fish there or an alien body or an off colour cheese sandwich, any of which would have caused the above mentioned problem to kick in.
This morning the track was choca with bikers, runners, walkers, dogs (assorted) and a large mob of teens from the UK. I got LOTS of pats and stuff while The Boss chatted and pointed out my Irish heritage which seemed to put my shares up quite a bit. When The B’s first moved to Wanaka you could drive down this track but that was stopped some time ago and what a good thing too with the great use it gets now especially from ME and many others.
Gotta go. The Boss is going to watch a movie on Apple TV that someone on Blip recommended “Inkheart” He says it may be just the thing for folk that talk to dogs. I like The Boss watching movies ‘Cos I get to stay on the big rug by the fire (currently not turned on) and get the crumbs from whatever The Boss is pigging out on.

Me...Only BIGGER

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