Red Sky in the Morning…Oh dear it worked!

Early start as The Boss and Bossess were going out for breakie to celebrate their wedding thingie. Dogs don’t have these I think “Cos we don’t get married BUT I will stay away from that conversation for now.
It was almost a Blipmeet as wipasnapa and acyclinggranny were there along with the eggs and the Monk that cooked them. Beni something…..
The highlight of the morning was when The Bossess confessed she needed an emergency coffee so the nice lady at the coffee machine made a coffee and took it across the room to deliver it while making a sound like a fire engine (Weeow Weeow Weeow) Emergency getit??
Oh I should have mentioned the The Boss and ME walked to the restaurant which took about 50 minutes and the sun was shining. Right!
By the time we left The Red sky thing had kicked in and was gathering speed so it was good that we could ride bark in Suzz and by the time it was lunchtime (Theirs NOT mine) it was raining and The Boss had lit the fire by putting new batteries in the remote thingie.
Boy… Red Skies sure work here.

See Red?

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