Black Peak

The prediction yesterday from The Red Sky has been startlingly accurate and aided and abetted by some Blippers in the UK Blipping all kinds of Spring Stuff. It has not been a walking day so The Boss had some Blind faith instead and took his and acyclinggrannys Broken blinds to Clyde (about an hour) for repair. I have spoken about this Blind Couple before and they have 37 small very enthusiastic and amazingly noisy dogs. Well it sounded like 37 but was actually only 3 with 2 of theirs and an interloper from next door of similar ilk. I stayed in Business Class in Suzz and looked disdainfully down upon them. I am really good at this and Business Class does give one an edge I believe. The drive down was not one where The Boss wanted to leap out and press shutters and was punctuated by windscreen wipers. You get the picture? Well he didn’t until later on the way bark when he spotted Black Peak looking very peaky and resting his Glass (yes Glass…OK?) on the steering wheel was delighted when the Hawke flew into the frame when it did. There were a bunch of them out there but this guy was the only one that crossed the road in spite of the time that The Boss spent waiting for another. One of the grrreat advantages of Business Class is the better view and the smell of the Automatic shift thingie which I lie with my nose against. It’s like sending your sinuses to Arizona and way cheaper.
Meanwhile outside it is NOT pleasant so would all those lovely Northern Hemi folk PLEASE stop shooting spring stuff for a day so I can get a WALK in. Woof? Yeh! Oh and yes it is...SNOW

Is it a Bird? Yap!

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