My Best Efforts - Year 3


Still as Fresh as a........

.........not a Daisy but as a Chryanthemum. I must have had these for nearly three weeks and they still look beautiful.

Needless to say, they were a gift from Anni!! Ones I buy for myself never seem to last as long.

Months ago, she gave me a Christmas Cactus - it was lovely. Just recently, it has looked very poorly - the leaves as well as the buds dropped off and the leaves looked rather wrinkled. Yesterday I had a look on Google to see if there was anything I could do to help it recover. It said I should put stones in the bottom of the outer pot, pour in 2" of room temperature water and leave for 12 hours before pouring off any water left.
I have just poured off the left over water and I might be imagining it but it really does seem to have perked up. Keeping my fingers crossed.

If anyone knows any more - your advice please!

BOUI today concern Chrysanthemums - surprise, surprise! :-

1) They are the Birth Flower for November ( my birth month).

2) The Japanese have celebrated a Chrysanthemum festival since ancient times. The Shogun met up with his feudal lords during that time; nowadays its is a flower decorating festival. The original Japanese flag actually depicts a chrysanthemum with 16 petals around a disc. It has been claimed that these flowers were a meeting place for the wee folk - the Faerie.

3) Highly symbolic, Kiku Zuki, Chrysanthemum Month, marks a change of season and of clothing. Especially auspicious is the ninth day of the ninth month - September in the lunar calendar but October in the solar calendar. Popular activities include drinking chrysanthemum wine and sipping tea made from chrysanthemum petals.

4) An old Chinese superstition states that eating the flowers would ensure long life, and giving these flowers to a sick friend is considered a thoughtful gesture.

5) Chrysanthemums are given the meaning of luck and longevity in ancient myths and legends.

Well, the weather has not improved a lot though it isn't actually raining! (YET) - and the temperature is 49Deg. F.

Have a lovely weekend.

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