Swinging Together

oh my! Friday was tthe BEST. I took the morning off from work. I ran errands, and mostly just sat in my truck and read. gosh I love to do that. It really feels like "ME" time. If I go home....I feel like I need to be responsible and get something done.

I spent the afternoon at the local Pottery place with my co-workers. It was our "wellness activity"/ "Bonding Time". We painted...and chatted...giggled and laughed. So so soooooooooooo good.

I nabbed Sugar off the bus, ran to the library, got some fuel in the rig and headed home to spend some time in the sun. The Hubby had left earlier in the day to go Shrimpin', so us girls just had a really leisurely afternoon and evening. We worked a bit on a photography project I'm working on for a friend. It is proving to be harder than I first thought. Quite the challenge.

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