This is for "Biker Kath" coz I know she'll see it.

We went to Keswick on a nice day, with a purpose - fulfilled.
I was pleased to see Keswick, in its wisdom, had actually set aside this whole area specifically for bikers. All of whom, you may be able to see, are not the young mad-heads most people seem to see bikers as.
Unfortunately, it's not signed well enough, there were a fair few looking for spaces in the regular Carp Ark.
One fine Sunday I'll nip up to Hartside Cafe´ for a real turn-out.
Bonus ... we bought a weigela middendorffiana.
Now there's a plant. Not so much the Middendorffiana as the fact that, until I saw it in print the first time I thought it was called "Wegelia".

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