Menai Straits

Audrey slept badly last night and we ended up taking it in turns to sleep in the room with her. She just wanted to be cuddled like she did was as a little baby. It was rather sweet!

We had a slow start, Angus caught up on Match of the Day and Audrey and I visited the animals on the farm. "Baby baa baas" are officially a favourite after last weekend at my parents' farm. Ducks are second, followed by chickens. As luck would have it, we have just started reading a wonderful new book together called What the Ladybird Saw by The Gruffalo authoress Julia Donaldson. Audrey has loved it this weekend and it's full of farmyard animals and scenes which correspond with the world outside our cottage door. She's found the link quite magical.

We headed to Menai Bridge this morning and had a beautiful walk along the estuary. The water was glistening and it was just gorgeous. We decided that Anglesey grows on us more and more with each visit.

Discovered a Waitrose on the way back (a favourite haunt of Princess Kate's whilst she lived here according to the lady on the till) so made delicious homemade pizzas and salads for lunch on Audrey's nap washed down with glasses of white wine. Angus is now watching the Liverpool game while Audrey and I amuse ourselves.

Another truly wonderful weekend in our spiritual home.

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