George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry

MonoMonday - Lines

My friend Ernie came to work today, and we had a grand old time. But we did get into a bit of bother.

The thing is, we got into a barking frenzy. And what I want to know is - is it so very wrong to bark? Dogs are built to bark - right? If a nasty person came into the yard, and we didn't bark, I suppose that would be wrong too.

I mean - how can two little dogs tell the difference?

SHE's got a headache today, and you know what? I do too, a little bit. The weather feels very heavy. A storm on the way I reckon. And I don't mean a storm of barking either.

This is my entry for MonoMonday - Lines. There are lines in the tiles.

Next week SHE takes over again, and SHE says that theme is going to be MonoMonday - Selfie. How in heavens name am I supposed to take an image of myself. I'm a dog for pete's sake. I'm not supposed to know how to take selfies.

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