
By daisydoesNYC

Atlantic City

Oh Atlantic City, what a strange place!

Lots of food, lots of drink and lots of gambling (from some people, not mentioning any names but unfortunately not me).

Atlantic City is a bit like what I imagine Blackpool to be if it had a bit of Las Vegas sprinkled over it. But as I've never been to Blackpool I feel I might be giving it a bad name when I say AC is basically very cheap (looking, not priced). Thankfully the sun shone which meant we could chill on the beach and drink frozen margaritas. The boardwalk is basically all that there is, with the beach on one side and various casinos, restaurants, bars and tacky 99c shops selling all sorts of awful tat on the other. As soon as you step behind the boardwalk it all feels a bit remote and fairly unsafe.

But, saying all that, we had a bloody good weekend, which is exactly what the place is designed for!

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