
By daisydoesNYC

Atlantic City - day two

This picture shows a little more of AC, and a little less of us. This is the boardwalk. That's Jared, Steph and Aimee taking a nice stroll. And next to them are the most bizarre modes of transport I've ever seen. We've all seen tuk-tuks, be it motorised or bike powered. But these are something else, these are hand pushed!!!! America has taken laziness to the next level. They're like the donkeys of Weston-Super- Mare or the carriage horses of Central Park. These poor people spend their days pushing people on these carts up and down the boardwalk. And there doesn't seem to be a limit, in one we saw a very overweight mother with her equally overweight children all crammed in. Crazy!

Sunday basically involved a lot more of what Saturday consisted of, just with a little less casino.

Things I learnt in AC:

Robbie will inevitably make you late, be it because he's overslept or disappeared off to the loo at the last minute

Aisha has a gambling addiction and no fear when it comes to money

Being pooed on by a seagull really does give you good luck, as Josh proved

When a group of 20-something's visit Rainforest Cafe they turn into children

Coronitas are great, because what a frozen margarita really needs is a bottle of corona upturned in it

Being in a casino when you are completely skint (me) is fairly depressing and something I will remember for whenever I visit Vegas

When Aisha says she's lost her phone and the 'find my iPhone' app tells us its in the dodgy looking house that we'd passed the previous day, it's actually in the hotel bathroom

Lee will make friends with anyone to get free drinks, will always get home later than everyone else, will pass out on the hotel bedroom floor and spend the next day chasing seagulls on the beach

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