Fellow Hobbyists

Went to Heesch (sounds like 'Haze') in East Brabant today to meet fellow hobbyist W who has, not incidentally, the same family name as hubby, but with a different spelling. The hobby we share is ... what else ... genealogy. We met by email last century when I was busy with the third edition of the book. W met a family member of hubby's who spelled her surname in the exact same way W's surname is spelled. W asked her if she was related, whereupon she told him about my book and asked him if he was also in it. No? Well, best call Ellaphant, then, and sort it out with her. If Ellaphant doesn't have your name, then you aren't related to us. W felt 'excluded' but also very curious, got my email address, and sent me a lot of info about his family and could I please see if they didn't fit in somewhere in our tree. I did the necessary research and lo and behold! ... W isn't family. We stayed in touch, though, and I included his entire clan of 13 generations or more as Appendix G in the third edition, of which he bought a copy. I mailed it to him and we had stayed in touch since by email. Today we met for the first time. I had brought my camera along and took a shot of them, and his wife M insisted on taking this shot of us.

In the meantime, hubby felt better enough this evening to attend to his usual Monday evening bridge activities. Aren't hobbies fun?

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