Who ate all the scones

I made a batch of scones this morning for visitors who we're coming down to watch the last 2 episodes of a programme called Salamander. It's a long story (the reason why they came to watch it, not the programme itself) they were on holiday when the last 2 programmes in the series were broadcast but as they had no means of recording it themselves asked us if we could record it for them. We duly obliged so today they came to watch - and eat scones.

There was half a scone left which I was going to artfully leave on the tray to show all that was left but it was snaffled before I could move (much like the cake snaffling that went on with those redoubtable ladies in Last of the Summer Wine). So I was left with just the crumbs.

Following on from my pledge to seek out the perfect scone, I now have a benchmark against which to judge all other scones. The recipe for my scones will form that benchmark. So far my research has shown that the county of Yorkshire has consistently provided the best scones. That accolade will by tested out in the coming weeks and months.

Apart from scone making we went swimming this morning and I spent some very constructive time talking to a person about online resources for the Young Offenders Institutes contract I'm working on.

A footnote on the Fish and Chip ambitions. A fish and chip shop in Kent came 3rd in this year's annual fish and chip shop competition. The winner was from Whitby and second came from Shetland. Scope for much more research and tasting I think.

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