Cycling bug

Mrs C has a bit of a cycling bug at the minute and is quite enjoying her little rides out even tho it is a little lonely and boring on your own.

Today I have been 10.5 miles again, averaging 12.2. I don't think thats bad and today I climbed mount everest at 8mph. A professional was ahead of me and I could see them stood up on the pedals going up everest but not me, my behind does not leave my seat and i still got up at 8.

Today was more successful also in the fact I fixed my wheel (myself) and no going round with the brake half on today. I did need my brakes tho because I nearly got another speeding ticket in the village only this time on my bike, yes - i was going just over 30! Frightened myself mind so brakes on!

So - I'm fancying a challenge and Manchester to Blackpool in the dark looks like a good challenge to help with my cycling bug.

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