Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Sound of Mull gold

Early start to the weekend as the boat left at 8. Porridge for breakfast as we headed over to the dive the Breda. A Dutch cargo ship that was bombed by during WW2. More info here.
I jumped in and managed to get to 6m before the dreaded feeling of cold water leaking into my drysuit reappeared. Knowing the issue we came up and J dived with someone else while I got back on the boat.
During their dive I dismantled my pee valve to find the diaphragm was kinked and so never going to seal. As a result the valve is now glued up never to work again.
After lunch it was off to dive the Hispania. One of my favourite wrecks in the Sound of Mull she sank in 1954 after hitting rocks. More info here. This time I was dry but with visibility down to 2m and the current running it wasn't the best dive ever so left the wreck after 20 minutes. Still I was getting cold already with the water temperature of only 8 degrees.
Headed of Tobermory to moor up for the night. While the others got tea ready I managed a 10.4Km run
It was Haggis Neaps and Tatties for tea before heading out to the Mull music festival for a beer. Left early feeling very tired.

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