Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

View up the sound of Mull

Early leave this morning to get out of the sound and head towards Coll. First dive was the Aurania. A large wreck but mostly broken up now. The main features are the 4 boilers, which sit well above the seabed. Nice dive to have a mooch about. Viz much better today but still cold. Had a good hunt around for scallops but with no luck.
The next dive was the Nevada 2. She was carrying military vehicles and asbestos sheeting when she went down. A nice shallow dive and as a result she is spread over a large range and well broken up. A great mooching dive looking in all the crevasses and under bits of wreckage for things. Few more fish around on this dive.
From there we headed over to the Isle of Muck for the night. Didn't take long to explore the island as its only 2.5K across and no pub, boo.
Managed to run and win the first Muck 10K, mainly because I was the only one running. Did have a bit of a moment when a cow wasn't overly keen to get off the road as I was running towards it.

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