
By GrahamMcArthur

I wasn't driving...

...I wasn't. Had to go into Toronto for a 5 minute meeting :(
The things we do.

It was a shocker of a day! Very wet and windy in places. I was torn between photos or sound recording. Some nice sounds coming off the road and also from the terrible weather. Couldn't see very much, but I chose the photos instead of sound. I kind of like photos through car windows, particularly when wet. All sorts of uncontrolled & unexpected things can happen to the image. Looking at the results it wasn't hard to realize I should have chosen sound.

Got a message tonight from home informing me that a good friend had a mishap on the bike. Poor bugger Kevin has another broken collar bone to add to the collection. That would make it three in 2 years. Hope yer mend well and quickly, mate. Told you New Zealanders can't ride bikes.

Wet 401

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