Whimsical art

The rain today has been relentless. There have been heavy downpours for hours and hours with lots of flooding. Many roads are closed and my front lawn looks like a pond. I waiting for ducks to arrive and mistake it for the local lake.

With no chance of getting outside today for a blip I was happy that I had art class today and had finished my first acrylic painting. It’s very whimsical and fun. Someone told me today they could see it hanging in a French café. I had fun doing it although after using mostly watercolors it took some getting used to. Now I love it.

After running in and out of the rain today I started sneezing this evening and I’m keeping my fingers crossed I just have a chill and not a cold. I took extra vitamin C and made some peppermint tea which seemed to help a little. Time will tell.

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