
It was rainy, windy and cold today. I didn't bother with any outdoor photos and the day went by so fast that before I knew it, it was dinner time and I was without a blip. So here are some asparagus and chicken cooking on the stove and I thought it looked colorful enough to use as my blip tonight.

I really need to get a pet. Emergency blips of dinner are pretty desperate. At least if I got a new puppy I would have a kind of 'built in' emergency back up for my blips. We keep talking about getting another dog but I do think we have talked about it enough and must get serious now about actually getting one. This time of year is perfect for training a puppy and the grandchildren ask about it almost daily. I think this is the first time is almost 20 years that I don't have a dog and it feels strange. Like there is something missing. Updates to follow...

The wind is howling outside the window right now and heavy rain is expected this evening. Time to snuggle up with a blanket on the sofa and watch some TV.

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