I Got Nothin'.....

There’s no way I can turn this into a meaningful blip, but I did have a motive for it.

I took the easy route to work this morning down through the abandoned Georgia Pacific Plant by the waterfront. I do that occasionally to catch a sunrise, or just for the heck of it. This morning it was to avoid the garbage truck lurking in the alley behind my house. The route is not as grim as it sounds. It’s actually quite nice – no traffic – and occasionally something interesting presents itself. This morning it was this crow. Maybe interesting is the wrong word. He was hopping around in the train yard and I just happened to have a pocket full of peanuts (what a surprise!) so I pulled over, rolled down the window and threw him a handful. This is the look I got in return. Made me laugh which is a good way to start the day. I’ll check tomorrow and see if he’s waiting. I wouldn’t put it past him.

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