As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Peter And The Wolf

Brent is the master of time and space.

No bomb threats today, so that was good.

I feel like I'm disappointing Naughton while I sit on my phone in AP Gov, but I really can't be bothered to take notes about the government right now. I'm just not feeling it.

Another productive period of Italian.

I actually enjoy doing AP Enviro multiple choice questions.

Phil's for lunch with Timmy before heading to the band room to practice for a period and a half.

World Lit, Calc, and then playing evaluations for the All-State/NYSSMA kids. OH AND MAGGIE CAME IN TODAY HI MAGGIE.

Quick meeting about Envirothon States after school and the possibility of us being able to tend isn't looking so great. Still hoping for the best, though.

Weird workout at practice. 150, 250, 350, 400, 200.

I drove a large crew home (sorry Dalton) and then spent the night in playing League and mindlessly doing practice Enviro questions.

A bedtime story for you all.

I miss Adam a lot. I'm looking forward to seeing him eventually. Texting will have to suffice for now.

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