A Blip on the Reidar

By reidar

I had my return visit to the dentist to fix up my tooth first thing in the morning, it went well but two injections and much grinding later and I was feeling less than chirpy. Still I felt ok enough to have a quick wander around town after and then wait patiently on Mrs Reidar and Reidar Jnr3 finishing up on their trip to the swimming pool.

Walking around the mostly abandoned buildings near the Carnegie Centre while I waited the rain picking its moments to catch the unsuspecting out I was transported back to my teenage years of high school (the school was just up the road) and then later the benefits office which admittedly I only visited once or twice. I can still hear the noise from the Pilmuir Works that used to come out of this linen factory back then, sadly it has been quiet for a long time now.

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