Early start

Is it just me or does everybody have trouble sleeping when they know they have to be up early? I've tried going to bed early, which is rubbish, drinking quite a lot (also rubbish*), drinking a bit (not bad) and exercising hard the night before (quite effective). So, late yesterday afternoon I went for a run, took my parents out for dinner, drank a couple of glasses of wine and had the lights off before midnight.

I woke up before my alarm, about twenty past five, had a coffee and washed, shaved and got dressed. The drive over to Heathrow was pleasant enough - there was virtually no traffic around - and arrived in good time to drop off my car and walk to get the bus across to the central terminal area.

It was misty this morning and I took this photo on my way to the bus stop. You can see the control tower hovering in the mist, which looked amazing but I haven't captured it that well as I had to use my 'phone to take the shot :-/

*The next morning, anyway.

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