
I don't know why, but I was just exhausted yesterday, & I slept really late this morning--it was after 9:30 before I got up! Tom was working outside, so I thought I'd just ramble over to the park & maybe take some pictures of the fishermen all wading in the water, casting for fish. So I got there, parked the car on the edge of the road alongside the water, & when I looked up, I saw the cardinal perched on the garbage container. So I grabbed my camera, changed to the telephoto lens, restarted the car so I could roll the passenger window down--all the time thinking he'll never stay there that long--& just when I'm ready, he flew to the ground! Isn't that just the way it always goes----missed him! But then he flew back up onto the edge of the container again! If you look in large you can see he has a bug in his mouth--that's probably why he'd jumped to the ground--he'd spotted some food! I took 3 pictures before he flew off, & then I came back home.....never even got out of the car! Some days the karma just flows! Haha! :)

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