Harley x's 4

Tom & I went out to breakfast this morning as we usually do on Sundays, & as we were parking, we couldn't help but notice all the motorcycles! They were all over, & there had to be at least 30 of them, some of them covered in American flags & decals! I hadn't heard of any special events anywhere in the area, so I'm not sure where they were all coming from or going to, but it was pretty neat to see them all. So of course I reached behind the seat to grab my camera, & then Tom starts saying "Oh no, no, no!!" So I look up, & here's an elderly man pulling into the spot right next to the bikes with all the flags, & can I just say, in kindness, that his depth perception had to be off, as we were sure he was going to drive right into them!! He ended up just inches from the bikes! Tom said he had visions of the old guy knocking over the first bike, & then one after the other going down in a whole line, like you see in the movies! Would have made a great blip, though, & I was ready with my camera! Ha! Well, then the elderly guy tried to get out of the car, but couldn't open the door without hitting the bike. Tom started walking over , thinking to help him to back out of the spot & move his car over, but then the owner of the bike came running out!! I was very impressed, as the bike's owner very nicely moved his motorcycle so the guy could get out his door, & was very polite when the old man told him the bikes were taking up too much room! Since the view of the bikes with all the flags was now cut off by the old man's car, I opted to take a picture of 4 of the Harleys parked off to the the other side--& I was very careful not to get too close, as I wouldn't want to be responsible for them either, if they all tipped over, & I don't run fast enough to get away from them when they'd hunt me down!! Haha! :)

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