Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH


We are not gardeners. Oh, we have a garden, but that's not the same thing; I'd much rather be in the kitchen creating something highly complicated and cheffy than up to my ears in mud pulling out weeds. But needs must, so a couple of years ago I planted up a border with one of those 'ready-made' planting plans that you see in the seed catalogues, and I have to say it was very successful and has been admired, even if it is starting to look a bit overgrown now. This is one of the plants, an Aquilegia. It has very attractive flowers and seems to spread quite a lot - I've found several growing this year in different parts of the garden that must have self-seeded.

When I said to W that I was just popping out to the garden to photograph my Aquilegias I think she was concerned it wasn't a decent thing for a grown man to be doing. I think she was quite relieved when I pointed out that it was a flower.

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