I Am with EyeEm

I was browsing on various sites last night and came across a photo walk round Manchester for today. It was organised by EyeEm...no, I've never heard of them either...it was free, the forecast was great and no-one else was playing out today so I decided to go along. It was scheduled to start at 10.30 at Piccadilly Station so I decided the tram was the best option.

Now Piccadilly Station is huge, it is busy and today it was packed with very noisy football fans...the whole station seemed to quake with their chanting... so I wandered around dodging some interestingly dressed people...it seems fancy dress is the order of the day at a match. Eventually I spotted a group of camera clutching people outside...hoorah, I had found them.

It seems I was over camerated as EyeEm is mainly for the iphone but I wasn't the only one with a camera so we headed off. It was all very laid back...and quite slow...I wasn't too sure what we were doing but the sun was shining and everyone was in a good mood and there were plenty of shots to be had. We wandered around Piccadilly, Market Street, Urbis and Albert Square. They were going to get some food and carry on but I...well my knee really...had had enough so I left then.

The trams were rammed with football fans heading to Old Trafford, in fact a 'Football Special' tram passed...even if that had been the only tram I could get I would rather have stuck pins in my eyes than boarded that! Fortunately, an Eccles tram pulled up soon after.

Now I need to try and work out how to get my pics on EyeEm....

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