Species: Utopico Bestialis Palatinenis

With a friend I've been to the German-French Farmers Market in Neustadt an der Weinstraße, where we had fantastic food and a great time.
Neustadt is worth a trip - great old houses and lovely restaurants, nice people and a sunny atmosphere!

But - Neustadt is also the capital of Elwetritsche-Land! No chance I could go there and not visit the Elwetritsche-Fountain.

So here is another shot of an Elwetritsch - easy to see it's a female, isn't it? The males are behind her - I wonder what they want...

In the corner a baby Elwetritsch (just hatching from it's egg) and a plate, where you get an idea of all the variant forms of spelling "Elwetritsch" (mine isn't included). Better in large.

19:30 CEST 15,9°C

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