
By FourSeasoned

He's back and right on schedule...

I have known this moose since he was a yearling lying outside of my dog run where his mother had parked him for an hour or two. That was about 5 years ago and he has a new tear in his ear and has his usual terrible coat which will fill in again soon. He was slurping up the lily pads and casting a baleful eye at any and all traffic that dared to pause and look at him.
Some moose facts from National Geographic:
Type:MammalDiet:Herbivore, Average life span in the wild:15 to 20 years, Size:Height at shoulder, 5 to 6.5 ft (1.5 to 2 m), Weight:1,800 lbs (820 kg), Group name:Herd
In summer, food is far more plentiful in the northern regions of North America, Europe, and Asia. When the ice melts, moose are often seen in lakes, rivers, or wetlands, feeding on aquatic plants both at and below the surface. Moose are at home in the water and, despite their staggering bulk, are good swimmers. They have been seen paddling several miles at a time, and will even submerge completely, staying under for 30 seconds or more.

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