War of the Thistles 2014 Day 2...

Today we travelled east to North Berwick and TheSpace for the second leg of this year's Thistles. Today had a distinctly different flavour in the make up of the skaters. there was a noticable lack of what we call in the industry, 'the groms'. Groms is the shortened version of Grommets and denotes skaters around and below the age of 15. For some reason, there wasn't all that many of them about in Aberdeen but North Berwick more than made up for the deficiency in both amount and talent.

The rest of the day went to the usual, everyone absolutely skating amazingly and having a load of fun culminating in a session on the Vert ramp which always makes me smile seeing people from this island so good at doing this sort of stuff.

In the end, Colin Adam took the second half of the trophy making it a clean sweep for the Adam brothers this weekend with special mention to Andy Scott not only for laying waste to the vert skating but also being part of wee mission crews that made it up from south of the border.

The internet has told me that this is Ross Zajac. He was hitting this rail right the way through this part of the day and locked onto the thing solid each and everytime I think he also managed to slide up the same rail which is a ludicrous high ollie to start with not to mention sliding against gravity. This turned into a frontside bluntslide and think it may have been some sort or shuv-it out.

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