Seeds we plant #SomethingBetter

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.
Robert Louis Stevenson


It's been a peculiar day. A bar broke down in our walk-in closet yesterday evening. It's not possible to attach it again since the wall is clearly too weak. So today I had to make everything fit with one less bar and managed to recycle few bags of clothes and shoes and bags and fit everything back in.

I took everything to the salvation army and managed to get soaked while running from the car to the store. It's yet another wet, cold and windy day, but it's not snowing so that is good news. In the Nordic region we've had lots of snow last three days. In Helsinki area luckily not. Just rain and hail.

I have a cold. That's perhaps one reason why I've been so tired. It hit me last night and now I just have to manage lessons with a sore throat.

So my Eurovision Song Contest week condition is not the best. Everything starts at 10pm our time zone so it will be lots of late nights this week and every morning is early. It will be week of sleep deprivation and coffee. And great entertainment! I can't believe the Polish song have been playing in my head. I hate it! Rather hear the French sing about the mustache...

Happy Eurovision Song Contest week to you all!
I hope it's #SomethingBetter

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