Ann Dismorr must have one of the hardest work in the world.
As director of UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) in Lebanon she faces servere deficit because of lack of donations from most of the UN nations.

After 65 years as refugees with no home and land to return to, the refugees get discriminated in the Lebanon society. They live in 12 camps, and 67 % of them are poor (live on less than USD 6/day) or extremely poor (less than USD 2/day).
95 % are without health or social security.
They are shot off from 20 occupations, like engineering, doctors etc.
They are not allowed to own property.

52 000 syrian-palestinians have arrived over the boarder. Most of them live in the already overcrowd camps.

Ann Dismorr ask us and the rest of the world to not to forget the palestinian refugees.
Tomorrow we will meet some of them in Shatila refugee camp here in Beirut.

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