frank's 1st portrait...

...and he didn't even realize

he was posing -

he jumped up on the sofa - began staring out the window - at some unseen something

and so it begins - the strange behavior of kitties - how they see what we humans - will never be able to see - focusing on faraway objects - which hold their attention - in this case - it gave me an opportunity - to catch frank - in a beautiful frame - showing off his fur - his head - his wonderful markings - all those things - which make him so very different from the princess diva gracie - yet establish him as a regal prince in his own right - and believe you me - he has been displaying some princely attitude over the past several days - i believe the diva left behind a bit of her highness - to rub off on him - it will be both interesting and fun - to watch it develop - as time passes - making my heart both ache with loss - yet blossom with new love for frank - a combination that lends itself to...


happy day.....

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