Photos from my phone and

By Mylifemyphotos

There is no Partridge... this Pear Tree.

Yep those little things will be pears when they grow up - right now they are really small and just starting to drop over and become what we know as pears.

Spent part of today cleaning and tidying the house - not really why I wanted a day off, but it's got to be done, at lease my computer desk, where I work on all my photos and prepare my blips has been completely sorted, cleaned and arranged the way I like it.

The pear tree is in my parent's garden, I was down there helping my Dad with his first blip - he is not good with computers but loves taking photos, which just sit on his camera - so I thought getting him on blip would help him get used to the computer and show off his photos.

If you are interested he is stevethebutcher

so pop over and say hello - I will be helping him with the blips for a while until he is ready to go solo - as I left this afternoon, he was heading into the garden with his camera to get a photo to blip when I go over tomorrow - as I foolishly offered to help him clean out the shed!!!

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