
By sp33dway

unadopted slatepuddle

A puddle, marking the boundary line where residential tarmac ends and unadopted gravelroad begins.

When we moved in 6 years ago the transition was nigh-on level but several car tyres and big weelie-bin eating monsters have worn away a rather pleasing divot that I've seldom seen dry this year. I say 'pleasing' because it's quite 'nice' in a weird earthy way although It's not so nice when you trip up in it arseovert!t when drunkstepping home from the pub, although to be fair it does slow down vehicular access to little more than a tootling amble with a far higher success ratio than any sleeping policeman could.

I wish the same could be said for the Big Village Road at the front of our gaff though. Sometimes it can get a bit mad crossing there.

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