My day

By 59

More family heirlooms

Lesson for the day: try to capture at least one decent photo of Toby the cat ....or Tom the dog......failure.

Next challenge: bowl of pears. Another failure.

Next challenge: anything decent......

So I opened up the china cabinet and took a few of this and that and actually rather like this one with the reflection of the lights in the mirror behind the glassware. The bowl was one that my grandmother used for Christmas trifle. She died back in the 1930s so unfortunately I never got the chance to meet her. Mum followed the tradition and now I use it for our Christmas trifle. The bowl is really special.

The glass jar is one Mum and Dad received for a wedding present back in 1950. I can't remember who it was from and would guess it has never been used. It is rather pretty and as I am sentimental and don't throw anything away it lives in the china cabinet along with the other precious things.

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