We were in the cloud this morning but we had an early start going to Tortosa, and what a busy day.

Firstly to call at the RACC office to obtain a copy of the car insurance policy ready for our journey to the UK.

Secondly (after coffee and a walk round) Steve's hospital appointment for his three month post-op pacemaker check up, and everything was pronounced perfect thank goodness.

Thirdly to find somewhere to have a midday meal, after a quick jaunt around Lidl.

Fourthly to go and introduce ourselves to a couple who live a few km from Tortosa. Steve has been emailing the husband on various matters and we'd been invited to call in.

What we couldn't have known is that rather than just a cup of tea, we were going to be treated to a proper tea-time tea of sandwiches, home-grown strawberries and cake. As you can imagine we were already stuffed after having eaten a four course lunch, but we valiantly ate even more so as not to be rude!

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