Azaleas - Isabella Plantation, Richmond Park.

Today I really expected to have some more images of the cygnets that I Blipped yesterday. I did go to the park very early this morning, eagerly anticipating another viewing of this special little family. Sadly, that was not to be. I reached the nest to find it empty save for the one unhatched egg that I saw yesterday. I then spotted the pair of swans at the far end of the pond near the stream which goes down to the Leg of Mutton Pond. I reached there to find the cob preening himself a little way from the pen who was frantically trying to fend off a huge crow. I could not see any babies, so hoped they would be under her wings. Then I saw one cygnet, covered in mud ( that end of the pond is quite mucky), moving only very feebly. It was a horrible scene to witness, and I could do nothing. The cygnet stopped moving and I realised it had died. I came away from there heart broken. The other babies may have been somewhere else, but where? It was all really upsetting.
Today was Isabella gardening day. We had the job of clearing brambles which was a prickly job! The gardens are looking wonderful with the azaleas and rhododendrons in full bloom.
So sorry for being gloomy, but I am feeling so sad about the swans.

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