A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53



I confess that it was seeing Cabbagetree's blip this morning reminded me that today was the last time Molly (Tuscany) posted a blip 3 years ago. Very sad to think it is so long ago. How I enjoyed the tales of life in Tuscany, not to mention the wonderful pictures of the scenery and food that were a part of her life.

We have been to Burnby Hall in Pocklington, East Yorkshire where they were having a week long Tulip Festival. It was a cooler day but the forecast rain held off except for a few spots and we had a lovely day.
Burnby is well known for it's Water Lillies in the summer so,we may well go back.
It also has the most enormous fish in the lake that you can buy food for.

Some of the tulips were past their best because of the warm weather but there were beds and pots of one colour and mixed selections in borders still flowering well.
These were along one of the borders and I liked the open stripes one in particular so this one is for Molly.

Large you can see the tiny droplets of rain form the odd shower we had.

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