Old school

.... both the bike and the building.

The bike has pleasing retro lines and colours. The building? well methinks a '90s version of Stalinist architecture.

We knew about the value of using natural light for heat and lighting but look at those tiny office windows on the cold side of the building. The building is in the process of being earthquake fixed. It will be interesting to see what it's like inside once completed.

I was walking back to my office after delivering smoked salmon to karenjulia. She did a couple of lots of shopping and meals for me when I was struggling with crutches and a broken foot.

A vacuum pack of salmon I caught and smoked along with a hpx photo card has been my way of thanking my friends who helped and made a difference for me back in January and February.

I'd seen a photo that inspired me to think of how familiar buildings, landmarks and objects look when viewed through another familiar object. In this case not my bike but a random student bike parked in a bike stand.

I haven't sorted through all the drawers I hoped to this week. If I push along now I might just sneak another sort in before I relax.

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