Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I was working in the office when I heard that awful, unmistakable sound of something hitting the window. I raced to the back door and even before I got outside, I could hear the blue jays screeching up in the trees. I quickly looked around the patio - half fearing that I would see a hawk devouring something. I was ready to head back inside when I saw a bunch of blue in a flower pot under the window. Yep, a blue jay, wings laying open, looking completely stunned. I carefully picked him up and made sure his wings weren't broken, and then set him in a larger flower pot. I sat about 10 feet away, very still, and waited until he started to perk up a bit - birds that are stunned are very susceptible to depredation by cats so I wanted to make sure he stayed safe. In about 10 minutes, he was looking around, acting very alert, and then a few minutes later, he took off. The entire time, the other blue jays were up in the trees, calling. So, this was my good deed for the day. And of course I took a few pics while he was resting in the flower pot... just as any good blipper would do.

I am happy to say that the orioles and grosbeaks are STILL around. I have now accumulated quite a library of photographs of both birds. The catbirds appear to have started nesting and they've settled down a bit. I was actually going to blip one of them today, but the blue jay adventure was too good to pass up. I posted six other shots, including a hummer, a catbird and a surprise visitor starting HERE on Flickr.

Hubs is painting while I continue to sort and pack. I am actually starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel now... I will soon reach a point where I can't pack anything else. The rest will have to wait until just before I move.

Thank you very much for the comments, stars and hearts on yesterday's black and white warbler! I have to admit that it is one of my favorite shots - I always love it when I can catch creatures engaged in the business of living. (or in the case of the moth, I guess "engaged in the business of dying" would be more appropriate.) Anyway, it feels good when I can manage to capture something like that, so thank you for sharing in my excitement.

And now, back to packing...


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