"Whurs ma snood?"

"Whur's ma snood?"

That was the phrase of the day on our first snowboard day of the scottish season. His snood was always round his neck but his jacket kept swallowing it.

I absolutely love snowboarding and wish I was able to get to it much more than I do but there is some really good and bad things about it.

Good: Going ridiculously fast and getting a good technical workout in the bargain.
Bad: I always end up getting a single tune stuck in my head that just won't budge. Today's playlist was "Tie me Kangaroo Down Sport". A single verse, over and over and over....

Good: The calm quiet contemplation whilst being silently dragged up the hill by the T-Bar towe with no sound but the subtle crushing of snow under my board.
Bad: The T-Bar rammed into the small of my upper left thigh, dragging my up the mountain very uncomfortably.

That said, the goods far outweigh the bads everytime and today was no exception.

Other points of note for the day were the minus 19 tempratures the car registered whilst passing through Perth and Jeepo's entrepreneurially inpired move selling our day passes to a couple of guys heading up as we were packing up.

A brill day.

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