
By ineffable

Friend Time

I've spent most of my time home at home. I just have kind of snuggled up to my family and not really left the nest. Yesterday I finally kind of ventured out with some friends. This is a "self portrait" it only took five times to take it because I kept hitting the button while trying to stretch my arm out with my huge camera... and then we'd die laughing - repeat, four more times. I am pretty sure that anyone sitting at the 5 tables around us would have gladly taken the picture, but why when I can do such a good job myself.

Last night at dinner the family and I delved into what I'm going to do to earn money when I get back. I am in such a desperate and confused state about what I want that here are some of my recent thoughts:

At the influence of commercials -
ITT Tech School of Criminal Justice
Something American University - which I can sing the theme song to, but can't remember the name

Flight attendant
Nurse (they don't have to work as much)

Urban Outfitters
Amateur photographer

If you have any ideas, let me know, I'm obviously very open. Also if you need me to work for you in Boston, let me know, I am your girl. Whatever the job is...

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