Architecture Thursday

Here it is 11:30 at night, and I'm just starting my blip. WHERE, O WHERE DOES THE TIME GO?

I took my daughter to the big city ( Detroit) airport. She is visiting friends in South Carolina.

I decided to come back through Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor...A squared...home of the Big House (football)...the Harvard of the West.

I tried (with VERY limited results) to look like a student. Given my age...perhaps I should have put on a dress shirt and a tie...borrowed a briefcase...and tried to pass as a professor. Maybe it's just me...but the kids on campus seem to be getting younger and younger.

This is the ceiling of the Museum of Natural History. Inside were dinosaurs, birds, animals, and minerals and rocks.

Go to my FLICKR PAGE for a dozen other shots. Included in the dozen is my blip alternative, and a weak tribute to my Blip buddy Bensholto. Check out his page HERE.

After running around all day...I mowed my lawn this evening. it starts.

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