
By IntothewildMan

Big Sky

Today the weather has been very changeable with sudden squally showers and dramatic cloudscapes. Given the dreadful threat of the BBC weather forecast, it could have been a whole lot worse and a lot of the time it was actually bright and clear. I have been doing a series of little things. For example mending the net which is protecting the strawberry bed; my dear but pesky young tom Billy took a flying leap onto it a couple of days back, resulting in a number of holes! I think he simply didn't see it as it is black. I also planted out some young seedlings and generally pottered around enjoying being in the garden. Found a book of classical guitar studies too which I haven't seen in ages, and spent an hour or so playing which was joyful.
We have wide horizons here in Norfolk and a big sky. This was taken from a hill on the edge of Cromer on the way back from dropping Jess off for a bus to Norwich.

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