
By AprilJane

Busy Day

This morning we were all up and about early.

I took Charlie for a walk at 7am for an hour then took Al to a Family Ceramics Morning at Kingston College. I booked it on a whim then sort of wondered why, but it was brilliant!

Al decided to make a birthday present for his Godmother, a pottery rabbit (she loves rabbits and owns several). He made such a good job if it. I was impressed and a bit intimidated! I messed about with the clay and found it very relaxing and pleasant. I made something but it's a secret as you never know who's reading ;).

Chris and Betsy left at 8.30 to go to softball where Betsy had a triple-header, plus a GB session.

First she had a game against ASL (American School of London) which started at 9.30. They won - I was surprised, these American girls have been playing T-Ball since they could stand and play Softball every day at school. Then she had a GB training session which started at 11. Then her league team (The Yankees) played The Red Sox at 12.30.

The weather was rain, wind, hail, a bit of brilliant sunshine and more torrential rain. The girls are so hardcore the more extreme the conditions, the better, but there comes a point where it's too much!

Luckily the third game, against The Mets, was cancelled due to the weather.

When they got back they were soaked to the skin.

Intrepid Betsy still came on a long rainy walk with my though, to give Charlie a good stretch of the legs before we went out.

We went over to our friends Sue and Scott to have dinner and watch Eurovision. Our four children get on brilliantly and we all had a great evening. Lovely food and lots of wine and such a laugh scoring the acts and listening to the children's comments.

Walk home late. After everyone had gone to bed I spent ages sitting on the kitchen floor with Charlie cuddling and playing with him. I love him so much! We are both as soppy as each other.

A great day.

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