Twice as much fun

Today we visited All Saints, Springfield to observe their morning services. All Saints run 2 services simultaneously, one more formal, traditional & well-attended, the other, informal & also well attended. Their more informal service was a joy to behold. Committed, enthusiastic, reflective, engaging, wholesome, inclusive, worthwhile .... everything one would hope for. Pictured here is a family who were running the service together with an invited PCC member who thought she ought to see what as happening. An exceptionally good morning service.

Folks thought they had been visited by OFSTED, but I'm so, so, pleased to offer nothing but encouragement and praise for a fantastic service. No idea how the second service went but my guess is it was just as good, albeit in a different way. It's about so much more than the content: it's the culture, the environment and the ethos that builds a community of faith who then engage in worship.

A lovely start to the day.

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