
By Cully

Vine and dine

Woke to amazing views of the vineyard with mountains in the background, the day was gloomy but we didn't care. Today was to be spent in vineyards!

To add to the eeriness of the hotel we were the only ones at breakfast, turns out it was just us and an Irish couple staying here and it's a big hotel.

We made a sharp exit and got a lift into the town and got tickets to board the wine tram after taking in a few more galleries and art shops. We were sipping our first wine tasters with matching chocolates within no time at all.

We managed to visit four vineyards on the line, bought three bottles, met a lovely Indian couple from Jo'burg also on honeymoon, and got a little tipsy.

Back in town we stumbled upon a gem of a restaurant. A four course taster menu with wine pairing, amuse bouche and sorbet palette cleanser for a mere £45. We had the table next to the open kitchen so we watched in awe as the chefs got to work. I loved Knysna, I love Franschhoek even more!

Once back at the creepy hotel we met the other couple in the bar and all shared our honeymoon experiences so far over a G&T or three and my new love, Amarula, SAs version of Baileys.

Cape Town tomorrow!

The human soul and human body have a infinite capacity of adaption."

Nelson Mandela 1970.

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