
By Cully

Greetings from Cape Town

Apologises for the lack of blips but we have been unable to get onto the computer to download pics off the camera. However today the boy took his phone out for dinner and thought this beautiful dinner deserved to make the blip: Ostrich fillet with celeriac mash and Waldorf salad (pictured). My new favourite meat.

Be sure to return to my back blips in just over a weeks time when we are back home where an ostrich will be making another blip appearance but this time not on a plate!

Anyway, today we had breakfast al fresco overlooking the vineyard we were staying at then packed our bags and set on our way to Stellenbosch but not before yet another complimentary wine tasting session at the hotel.

Stellenbosch is a beautiful university town full of rich uni kids who hang out in super cute delis and bars and shop in one off boutique shops. The place is full of galleries and art shops full of authentic African art and ceramics. I was in my element. We managed to resist buying yet more souvenirs and instead stopped in a deli for local beer tasting. Me tipsy but the boy sober due to driving, we left the stunning Stellenbosch and made our way to the coast to Hermanus to watch the sunset. Unfortunately no whales at this time of year but still very pretty.

We finally arrived in Cape Town around 7:30pm checked in to yet another stunning hotel, ate our congratulations cake (grateful it wasn't champagne again, I really don't think I can drink anymore bubbles) and headed out for dinner of ostrich for me and swordfish for the boy. Back in bed by 11pm. A long but enjoyable day.

South Africa is such a beautiful country with friendly and generous people with a great taste for food and wine, I don't want to leave when it's time to move to the next place but then they seem to get even better each time.

"Let us give practical recognition to the injustices of the past, by building a future based on equality and social justice."

Nelson Mandela 1996.

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