
By pattons6

Catwalk model

Here I am modelling the latest fashions. Shower cap and clog slippers. I like to add my accessories to my outfits.

I had a great night last night. I went down at 7.40 and woke up at 7.30am. It was great, catching up with my missing beauty sleep.

We went of to get my sister a passport. We had the form all completed but there was a signature missing so we have to go back. We then went off to see grandma and grandad.

On the way I decided to take my shoes and socks off then chew on my shoes. So when we arrived mummy needed to carry me up the stairs as I had no shoes on. I had lots of fun and I was very chatty. Grandma understands more than anyone else.

I had a very short nap today, 20 minutes, so at bed time I was shattered. For the first time in ages I fell asleep drinking my milk. Daddy took me straight to my cot, where I settled no fuss and no crying.

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