Everyday Life

By Julez

Yet another shot of the Maze!

My first day as a Domestic Goddess! Got lots of housework done, and actually enjoyed doing it, with Spotify pumping out heavy metal as my backing track! I also took a walk into town for an eyebrow wax and to collect prescriptions and -for the second day in a row - got a soaking! I bought a new brolly (for the fantastic sum of £15!) in the mistaken belief that I had left mine in the shop, and then found it at home when I came in! We have also spent some time with Brian's Dad and other members of the family, with whom I shared a delicious Chinese meal for my tea! Healthy eating will be resumed very soon...

Still Blipless after that lot, Brian and I had a quick wander round the Arboretum. This is my third shot of the Maze...The invitingly lit building is the local Co-Op supermarket!

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